Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are valid from 2018.04.10.

1. Operator's data

The Operator of the competitions collection page, as an information society service ("EcoSim myAccount system"), available at the https://myaccount.ecosim.hu/ webpage:

EcoSim Business Simulations Ltd.

Seat: 1094 Budapest, Páva street 13. 5./1.

Company Registry number: 01-09-714023, registry: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Company Registry number 13000873-2-43

e-mail: support@ecosim.hu


2. Defining Terms of Use, Users

a.) These Terms of Use contain the conditions for using the system.

b.) You must register to use the EcoSim Myaccount System. The technical steps for registration are described in section 4.

c.) To use the system is for free.

d.) A detailed description of each function of the system can be read found at the given function.

e.) The Operator has the right to unilaterally amend the Terms of Use at any time by providing information about the amendment in the form of a short notice on this website. If the User starts using any part of the service after the modification, it is considered as acceptance of the modification.

f.) The current text of the Terms of Use is available at https://myaccount.ecosim.hu/terms_and_conditions.

g.) The language of the contract concluded with registration is Hungarian or English, it is not considered to be in writing and will therefore not be filed, and will not be available at a later date.

h.)  The rules of the Republic of Hungary apply to the operation and maintenance of the Business Simulation system and the contract concluded with the users, Hungarian law shall govern disputes between the parties, and Hungarian jurisdiction shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputes between the parties.

3. Defining the system

a.) The purpose of the system is the registrations required for the services, programs and events related to the Operator, the unified management of the users, and to make it easier for the Users. The User can access and edit the data stored about them in one interface.

b.) Several services, competitions, events are available in the system. The User may participate in a simulation competition, training and services in accordance with the goals and expectations set by the Operator's business partner. The use of these requires different conditions, about which we provide information to the Users in the right place.

c.) The so-called competitions sponsored by one of our business partners (eg.: university, training company). The Operator only provides storage space and the system for its operation. Therefore, if you have any questions, please first contact your Teacher, who initiated, announced, created the stages and rules of the simulation, or in case of competitions, visit the Contact menu item on the website of the given competition for professional questions.

d.) Closed competitions are available in the system for as long as data management lasts. Closed courses are not archived by the operator (beyond the date of data management). If the User needs the published information, data, achieved results, its preservation for private or business purposes, the User is obliged to take care of it.

e.) Management and operation of the system in accordance with Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce Services. shall be considered as application operation in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

f.) The Operator reserves the right to modify or remove any content elements of the service at any time, to change their appearance, content, operation, to place an advertisement presenting its own services or other content. Content marked with an (x) is an ad. 

g.) At the same time as the registration or later, the user can subscribe to receive a newsletter or career newsletter in the profile. It is not necessary to confirm the subscription. Both the general newsletter and the career newsletter are sent out at irregular intervals. You can unsubscribe via the link at the bottom of the newsletter or in your profile. In the newsletter, we offer you or your business partner’s competition. In the career newsletter we provide information about career opportunities and job offers.

h.) It is not possible to block system messages that contain information that the Operator deems important about the service.

4. Registration

a.) The service can only be used with registration.

b.) Anyone over the age of 16 can register as a User.

c.) The registration process begins with the completion of the registration form with valid data in a complete and proper manner. If you do not provide the information or enter an email address that already exists, the registration will start again until the registration form is complete, or the given e-mail address does not conflict with an existing registration. We will then send an activation link to the email address you provided during the registration process, which must be clicked within 72 hours of receiving the email to confirm your registration.

d.) The registration creates a user profile, which can be accessed using the e-mail address and password provided during registration.

e.) Only one registration can be maintained with the same email address.

f.) The User takes responsibility to provide real and valid data during registration. It is possible to correct data entry errors during the registration process on the registration form. Upon completion of the registration, the User can freely change any data previously provided, except for the e-mail address.

g.) The Operator reserves the right to restrict or deny the User's access to the service if a User registers with false data, after cancellation or final exclusion.

h.) If a User does not log in permanently, the operator will send an e-mail #_msocom_3 to the e-mail address provided by the User 1 week before the expiry of 2 years from the last entry, warning the User that if the User does not log in, the User's registration will be cancelled after 24 months of inactivity.

i.) The User is obliged to provide an e-mail address as an electronic contact on which the User is actually available. The Operator is not responsible for the consequences of any notice or message lost or omitted due to an error in the User's electronic contact details or for any other reason within the User's area of interest. Notifications and messages sent by the Operator shall be deemed arrived and received in all cases, regardless of whether the User has become acquainted with their content.

j.) The cancellation of the registration can be initiated by sending an e-mail to the Operator from the e-mail address provided in the profile or in the Profile menu, based on which the registration will be cancelled after 72 hours - during which time it is still possible to cancel the cancellation request.

5. Participation in the competition / event

a.) The different events are recorded as a student competition in the system.

b.) Only those who have provided all the necessary information, read and accept these terms of use, the privacy statement and have accepted the sending of the newsletter are eligible to participate in the competition and programs.

c.) You can join on the subpage of that competition. The user can either join the team to which they have been invited or create their own new team with a number defined by the Operator.

d.) The team leader can mark on the subpage of the competition who they want to form a team with. The nominated User can join the team after registration.

6. Intended use of the service 

a.) The service may only be used within the framework of the applicable Hungarian and directly applicable European Union legislation, without violating the rights of third parties and the Operator.

b.) The User is obliged to refrain from using any function of the service in a infringing manner or for an unlawful purpose.

c.) The User acknowledges that it is his / her sole task and responsibility that the entries, names, uploaded documents placed and published in the given business simulation do not violate any law or good morals and do not infringe the rights of third parties, including in particular copyright and privacy rights, third party trademark rights, trade secrets.

d.) It is forbidden to denigrate the products, services and reputation of companies involved in an unrealistic way, and make an insulting statement about them; to post any infringing content, to publish an invitation to commit an illegal act or a criminal offense, or to engage in conduct indicating such an act; to provide any information for a punishable act (criminal offenses, violations of the rules); call for a boycott of the operator's services.

e.) Some elements of the service and the service as a whole (including the system, design of the system) are protected by copyright.

All copyright and industrial property rights in these elements belong to the Operator or third parties contracted by him, and may not be modified or altered in any way other than what is necessary for the intended use (running the program, reading, displaying, and temporarily reproducing data) without the prior written consent of the Operator.

f.) It is prohibited to use any system or solution that seeks to shut down, enable or result in the shutdown of the softwares and servers used to operate the service or that otherwise compromises the proper operation of the service.

g.) The User acknowledges that in the event of a serious or repeated breach of the Terms of Use, his registration and / or user content will be deleted, regarding which the operator is entitled to decide within its own competence, considering the specific circumstances of the breach. The Operator excludes liability for any damages that may result from the User's deletion for violating these Terms of Use or the violation of law such as the deletion of the User's registration, profile and any or all User content posted by that User.

h.) The User is fully responsible for all activities performed in connection with the service. If a User uses the service in violation of the provisions of this agreement or the law, misuses the service, provides access to suspiciously infringing information or commits a criminal offense, the operator is entitled to terminate the User's access rights and cancel the User's registration without prior notice. These measures may also be applied to the User in case of login in under a different name or misusing someone else's data.

7. Responsibility

a.) It is the sole responsibility of the User to maintain the confidentiality of the password associated with the profile. The User is obliged to inform the operator immediately about any unauthorized use of his / her profile or any other action that violates security. The operator uses the necessary and available technical solutions to prevent the unauthorized access of the data and shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the unauthorized use of user passwords or profiles with or without the knowledge of the users.

b.) The operator's objective is to provide the service at the highest possible level, however, it assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damages or other legal consequences resulting from the service's - including the software used to operate the service -
accuracy, reliability, error-free operation and adequacy. In addition, the operator is not liable for errors and consequences related to causes beyond its control, such as technical failures or outages on the Internet, technical downtime of any kind, loss of information and / or data, destructive applications or programs hosted by others. (e.g. viruses, worms, macros, or hacker activities).

c.) The operator shall not be liable for any deficiencies in the communication of data during registration and use of the system, or for any consequences arising from incorrect data.

d.) If, as a result of or in connection with the User's conduct, a third party or any authority or court initiates any claim or proceedings against the Operator, the User shall take all measures required by the Operator and indemnify the Operator for all damages, property disadvantage and costs, that the Operator suffers due to or in connection with any illegal conduct of the User.

e.) As part of using the service, the Users are solely responsible for the user content posted by the Users. The Operator excludes all liability for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage and other consequences caused by the User or otherwise incurred in connection with the User's conduct.

f.) The Operator excludes its liability under the law for any damages resulting from the termination of the contract for any reason, especially if the Operator has cancelled the User's registration due to the User's breach of contract or and instruction from an authority.

8. Data Protection

The management of the Users' personal data is regulated by the Privacy Notice.